Saturday, 18 October 2014

Sri Sarada Devi:“May She, the cords of whose sovereign will control all laws, / May She, The Primal One, shelter me everlastingly”

After Thakur’s Mahasamadhi, Sri Ma wanted to wear the white sari of the widow and remove her bangles according to custom. She had a vision of Thakur. He said: “What are you doing? Is it that I have gone anywhere? I have merely gone from this room to that as it were…Don’t you remove your bracelets. She, whose husband is Krishna Himself, can never become a widow.” To the end of her life she wore a red bordered sari and bangles to indicate that Thakur’s body had been cremated but his spirit was alive. He lived and lives in the hearts of his devotees. In Sri Ma’s life the ideas of both the Virgin Mother and the Resurrection find a rational basis. She was a chaste nun who was and is the spiritual mother of thousands. In Anirvan’s beautiful hymn to Sri Ma: “A corona of the Hidden Light/Thou art Aditi, the Virgin Mother of Gods and Man/ Aditi whose shadow is Immortality and Death/ Aditi, the Spirit of the Earth whose golden bosom shines in the empyrean height…” (p.222)

Ref: Sri Sarada Devi: The Great Wonder, by Apostles, Monks, Savants, Scholars, Devotees

Header: Swami Vivekananda, “A Hymn to Mother”

Friday, 17 October 2014

Sri Sarada Devi: The Motherhood of God

 Sri Ramakrishna entrusted her with his spiritual ministry. “It is not my burden alone. It is your responsibility too. These people of Calcutta are wallowing in darkness. You must take care of them. I have done but little, you will have to do more.” Sri Ma survived Thakur by 34 years. She played the role not just of the consort of the Avatar like Sri Sita. She was ‘Jnan and mukti dayini’ in her own right, the ‘sangha janani’ of the Ramakrishna movement. The first person she initiated was Swami Yogananda, a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna. Thereafter she initiated and was a Guru to thousands. She was a gracious, loving mother both to the wicked and the good. So wondrous was her heart that a dacoit like Amzad was treated with the same affection as a spiritual giant like Swami Saradananda. Such was her power that she held her relatives, the disciples of Sri Ramakrishna and lay devotees together in one large, spiritually vibrant and peaceful community.

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Sri Sarada Devi:Who is husband and who is wife? Who is my relative in this world?

During Thakur’s last illness, Sri Ma’s grief knew no limits. She went to the Shiva temple at Tarakehwar to find a reprieve.  She gave up food and water and lay before Shiva for two days in the hope of getting some remedy that could save him. On the night of the second day, she had a strange experience: “I was startled to hear a sound. It was as if someone was breaking a pile of earthen pots with one blow. I woke up from the torpor and the idea flashed in my mind, ‘Who is husband and who is wife? Who is my relative in this world? Why am I about to kill myself?’ All attachment for the Master disappeared. My mind was filled with utter renunciation. I groped through darkness and sprinkled my face with holy water from the pit at the back of the temple. I also drank a little water as my throat was parched with thirst. I felt refreshed. The next morning I came to Cossipore garden. No sooner did the Master see me than he asked, ‘Well, did you get anything? Well, everything is unreal, isn't it?”

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Sri Sarada Devi:“Surely you are the most wonderful thing of God- Sri Ramakrishna’s own chalice of His love for the world”

Swami Vivekananda had blessed Sister Nivedita with sanyas before she came to India. He wanted to set up a Math for women with Sri Sarada Devi as the nucleus. Unfortunately, at that time, Indian women lived very subservient and constricted lives. Very few were educated. Added to that was the ban on mixing with ‘mlechas’ or foreigners. People were afraid of ‘losing caste’ if they socialized with foreigners. Swamiji brought Sister Nivedita and other women disciples to India to help in setting up schools etc for women and starting institutions that would grow into monasteries for women. He could not accomplish his dream without Sri Ma’s support. Such was the orthodoxy of the time that unless she gave her approval and accepted the Swami’s western disciples they would be virtual outcasts in Hindu society. But his fears were unfounded. Sri Ma opened her arms and took them all in a great mother embrace. To quote Sr. Nivedita: “All the spiritual verities which India has dreamt of and realized for thousands of years in a piecemeal way, have been fulfilled in the one life of the Holy Mother…With Sri Ramakrishna, a power has arisen which will, like a tidal bore, carry the whole of humanity towards the door of liberation and the name of that power is Ramakrishna-Sarada. (Pp.202-203,
Ref: Sri Sarada Devi: The Great Wonder, by Apostles, Monks, Savants, Scholars, Devotees

Heading: Sr. Nivedita, letter to Sri Ma, p. 484)

Sri Sara Devi:She, who is Sita, she who is Sri Radha, she who is the primordial power Kali…Saraswati…Mahamaya, the giver of liberation

Sri Ma’s room in Dakshineshwar was just 8’ x 6’! It had a small door and no windows. She cooked in a small part of the narrow verandah surrounding it. And in that cramped space she hung her belongings, swept the floor, washed the dishes, served meals, met visitors and cooked for the endless stream of devotees who came to meet Thakur. Each disciple was special:  Chana dal for Swami Vivekananda and moong dal for Swami Brahmananda. Every day she made chapattis out of three seers of atta. Sri Ma went through a period of great hardship after Thakur’s Mahasamadhi.  No one had an inkling of her destitution. Such was her condition that she could not afford to buy salt to season her rice. Her saris were so badly torn that they could not be stitched. She tied the pieces together in such a way that no one could see the joints. She once walked from Burdwan to Kumarpukur because she couldn’t afford to pay for a cart. And yet, she never complained.  She was the very soul of renunciation. Wasn’t she also कुमारजाकुता ‘Kamarajakuta’ the adamantine will of the Divine Mother?

(Pic re shared courtesy:

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Sri Sarada Devi:The great mother heart

Sri Ma straddled two worlds – she was both the ordinary housewife and the brahmcharini.   She had both aspects of the divine – “paratva,” (supreme divinity) and “saulabhya,” ( human normalcy, accessibility).Hers was a life of renunciation lived in the midst of the world. There was no end to the troubles she had to face because of her troublesome   relatives.  Her mad sister-in-law died leaving an imbecile niece, Radhu, in Sri Ma’s care.  Radhu proved to be Sri Ma’s greatest challenge. She would not stand up even six months after delivering her baby. She took to opium as a cure for her weakness. One day Sri Ma chided her gently. Radhu flew into a rage. She picked up a big brinjal from the vegetables Sri Ma was cutting and hit her on the back. The mother immediately took some dust from her feet and sprinkled it on Radhu’s head to save her from the evil effects of her act. Such was her compassion. She never thought of herself.

Monday, 13 October 2014

Sri Sarada Devi:“A God-centered, God- circumferenced, God-soaked life”

Dr Radhkrishnan cites a beautiful passage in his article on Sri Ma: “You open the ‘Gita- Govinda’ – you find there, when the sky is overcast with clouds, when the path ahead of you is strewn with Tamala trees, when it is night time, when you don’t know in what direction to turn, you place yourself in the hands of a loving woman. In such a situation, up above darkness, ahead of you darkness – night time – I don’t know in which direction to turn “राधे गृहं प्रापय,’ ‘May you Radha, lead me home.’  (p.226) Sri Ma was the polestar for thousands of her devotees. She was ‘Vagbhavakuta,’ Saraswati. For Swami Vivekananda and his gurubhais, her word was law. Here is an instance: A plague broke out in Calcutta and ravaged the city. Swamiji had received funds to set up Belur. He wanted to sell the land on which the monastery was to be built and use the money for plague relief. Sri Ma stopped him. She took a long term view. There would be many disasters and calamities in the future. Once the monastery was set up, the sadhus would have the means to serve millions, not just a few hundred plague victims.

Heading: Swami Budhananda, Sri Sarada Devi: The Great Wonder, p.439

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Saturday, 11 October 2014

Sri Sarada Devi::I am the seer of Brahman as my inner Self

Swami Hiranmayananda gives a superb interpretation of the Shodashi puja. The Puranas hold that the great Cosmic Energy or Shakti makes it possible for the unborn and eternal Paramatma to manifest Himself as man, as an Avatar. This Cosmic Energy is called Kali, Shodashi and so on. Brahman, as seen through ‘the mist of the senses,’ is Shiva or Ishwara.   Shiva and his power (Maya) are one. The empirical world is a manifestation of Maya. Speaking of Sri Ma, Thakur said: “Who is she but my Shakti.” He saw her as an incarnation of Shakti as Saraswati, the goddess of wisdom and knowledge. Sankara says in ‘Ananda Lahari’: “Shiva is able to create only when he is united with Shakti. Without her he will be unable even to move.” Shodashi or Sri Vidya is considered the highest form of the Divine. सेयं  समराजनी, सेयं  सर्वैश्वरेस्वारी” – She is the Empress. She is the God of all other gods and goddesses. She has three facets: ‘Vagbhavakuta’ or knowledge (Saraswati), ‘Shaktikuta’ or energy of action (Durga) and ‘Kamarajakuta’ or Will (Kali). Shodashi is ‘’Jnanechhakriyamayi’ – i.e. an incarnation of knowledge, will and action. (p.29) Sri Ma as Shodashi epitomizes the highest wisdom. She is   the seer of Brahman, the giver of Mukti and Ananda.

Source: Sri Sarada Devi: The Great wonder by Apostles, Monks, Savants, Scholars, Devotees.

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Sri Sarada Devi: The Shodashi Puja

Sri Ma went back to her parents after marriage as was the custom. Years passed. Thakur was so deeply immersed in sadhana that he had all but forgotten his wife. Stories of this ‘pagla Brahman’ reached Jayrambati. Sri Ma heard the gossip and was upset. When she was eighteen, she decided to go to Dakshineshwar with her father and see for herself. Thakur received her with affection. He asked her if she had come ‘to drag him down to the world.’ Her reply was that all she wanted was to serve him and help him in his mission. On the new moon night in May 1872, Thakur worshiped Sri Ma as Shodashi, the Mother of the Universe. He uttered the tantric prayer: “O Divine Mother, the Eternal Virgin, the mistress of all power and the abode of all beauty, deign to unlock for me the gate to perfection.” (p.418) He offered to the Deity manifest as Sri Ma, the fruits of all his austerities, his mala, his self and everything he possessed. Both the worshiper and the worshiped went into deep Samadhi.

Source:Sri Sarada Devi: The Great Wonder, by Apostles, Monks, Savants, Scholars, Devotees

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Sri Sarada Devi: Veiling wisdom with a mother’s love

Pic re shared courtesy: www.vedanta-atlanta.o

I've taken up this blog in fear and trembling. Writing about Sri Ma Sarada Devi is  a case of the foolish rushing in where angels fear to tread. I hope sincerely that her  great mother heart will forgive my myopic vision and  many lapses.  Outwardly, she seemed so ordinary, but that was just a way to hide her divine nature.  She  was not just  wife and mother but also  nun and Guru. Her birth was preordained.  Her mother Shyam Sundari Devi  visited a temple in another village before her birth.  She suddenly had an amazing vision: A small girl dressed in a sari with a red border  jumped from a tree nearby and hugged her.  ”I’m coming to your house!” she said. Shyamsundari Devi lost consciousness and  had to be carried home. After some time  she gave birth to  little Sarada. When Sri Ma was just two years old, her uncle took her to a neighboring village to attend a festival. As luck would have it, Thakur (Sri Ramakrishna) was also present. The uncle, as a jest, asked little Sarada who among the men  there  she would marry. She  stretched out both arms and pointed out to Sri Ramakrishna! She was married  to him when she was just five years old. He was twenty three at that time and engaged in intense sadhana.

Ref: Sri Sarada Devi: The Great Wonder, by Apostles, Monks, Savants, Scholars, Devotees

Artist: Swami Tadatmananda

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Friday, 22 August 2014

Women on the path: Maitreyi

Believe it or not, there was a time in India when women walked the earth freely.  Men and women were like twin forks of a compass, equal in every way. When was this, you might ask? Was it British India or the age of Raja Ram Mohan Roy and other reformers? Did Independent India usher in a new dawn for the girl child?  Alas, O miserari, was it some dark, dark age, when men lost all sense of balance, truth and self respect, when reason bit the dust? Brace yourself; this was the age of enlightenment: the age when Indian thought reached its zenith, the hallowed time when the Vedas were composed by sages like Vashishta and Yajnavalkya.

 Rishi Yajnavalkya, often considered the greatest seer and thinker of the Vedic age, was the son of Rishi Devarata and a disciple of his uncle Vaisampayana.  He is credited with writing the Shukla Yajurveda Samhita and the Shatapatha Brahmana which contains the largest of the Upanishads – the Brihadaranayaka Upanishad.  Legend has it that Devarata considered Yajnavalkya arrogant and cast him off from his ashram after forcing him to vomit all the knowledge and the wisdom he had learnt there. Yajnavalkya obeyed but he vowed that he would never take a human guru again. Yajnavalkya then went through a period of austere tapasya to propitiate Surya. Lord Surya was pleased. Yajnavalkya asked Surya to teach him those portions of the Vedas which were known to no one else. This Surya was most happy to do. He is supposed to have taken the form of a horse and so the shlokas have a rhythm like the canter of a horse.

Yajnavalkya, like many other sages of the time, was both a Rishi and a householder. He was married to a lady called Katayayani. She was a devout housewife whose world revolved around her home, hearth, husband and children. It came to pass that there lived in Mithila a woman with a philosophic bent of mind, a brahmavadini, a seer. She is said to have composed ten verses of the Rig Veda.  She was a brahmacharini and had received Vedic initiation or ‘Upanayana’, which at that time was open to both girls and boys. Maitreyi had heard much about Yajnavalkya and wanted him as her guru. She went to Katayayani and begged her permission to marry Yajnavalkya so that she could become his disciple and spiritual companion. Katayayani agreed readily because this aspect of Yajnavalkya’s personality did not interest her in the least.
Years passed. Rishi Yajnavalkya decided that the time had come for him to take sanyas. He settled all his affairs and divided his property equally between Katayayani and Maitreyi so that they should be well provided for after he left them.  Maitreyi reasoned that if Yajnavalkya was leaving his community, family and work, it must be for something far greater. A conversation follows between them which is the heart and soul of the Upanishad. Max Muller translates it with the lyricism of a poet and the transparent mind of a mystic.

Maitreyi asks Yajnavalkya; “My Lord, if this whole earth, full of wealth, belonged to me, tell me, should I be immortal by it?”
No,’ replied Yajnavalkya. “Like the life of rich people will be thy life. But there is no hope of immortality by wealth.”

And Maitreyi said: “Then what is the good of all this if one day death is to swallow me up, and transience is to overwhelm me, impermanence of the world is to threaten us and if everything is to be insecure at the very start, if all that you regard as worthwhile is, after all, going to be a phantom, because it is not going to assure us as to how long it can be possessed, how it may not be taken away from us and at what time – if this is the uncertainty of all existence, what good can accrue to me from this that you are bestowing on me, as if  it is of great value?”

Yajnavalkya is charmed by Maitreyi’s profound question. She becomes all the more precious in his eyes. His answer connects all existence, bliss and thought in the three worlds to the indestructible, eternal Self. Here is Swami Vivekananda’s translation of Yajnavalkya’s reply:

None, O beloved, loves the husband for the husband’s sake, but it is for the sake of the Self who is in the                                                     husband that the husband is loved; none, O beloved, loves the wife for the wife’s sake, but it is for the sake of the Self who is in the wife that the wife is loved..

Yajnavalkya traces the roots of all bliss to the Self and then goes on to link everything - children, wealth, devas, jatis etc to the Self. Each note of a musical composition is distinct but together each separate note is an indivisible part of a melody, an organic whole:

As  all sensations of touch meet the skin, all tastes meet the tongue...all perception meets the mind, all knowledge meets the intellect...and all the Vedas meet in one place, speech; does this great Being...rise from these elements and vanish again in them.’
‘When there is as it were duality, then I see the other...I perceive the other, I know the other, but when the Self only is all should he see another...perceive another...know another? How should he know him by whom he knows all this?’

“Idam brahma, idam kshatram, ime lokah, ime devah, imani Bhutani, idam sarvam yada yam atma.”

This Source of Knowledge; this source of power; all these worlds; all these gods; all these beings – all this is just the Self.  The little ‘self ‘in each being is an atom of One Universal Self.  If we look for say, the love of a child anywhere else except in the Self, we lose that love:

“...Whosoever looks for anything elsewhere than in the Self is abandoned by everything.” Duality is a mirage. To think that I see or perceive another is a delusion and ultimately leads to grief.  Realty is one and indivisible.
Maitreyi is confused and afraid. Is there no individuality? Does she have no separate existence, no unique identity?  Is there no God? We think of God as someone up there in heaven above the clouds, i.e. as a being with clearly defined attributes confined to a specific, if unknown space.  Sri Rama is the prince of Ayodhya. He carries a bow and is ‘Maryada Purshottam.’ Sri Krishna plays the flute in Vrindavan; He is Hari, the great magnet that   attracts all beings to Himself, the fountainhead of wisdom in the Geeta.  Each avatar has a ‘lila’. The moment you speak of ‘Self,’ you must turn inwards to the deepest recesses of your own self and that is frightening. ‘I’ am not, and you don’t exist either.  That truly hideous guy I can barely tolerate is me. There is just One Existence – the Self. As we have seen, the question then is: How can I know that by which everything is known? How do I see the perceiver? How do I reach the incomprehensible, eternal, unattached, unfettered Self? Why am I blind to the heart of my being?
Here is Swami Vivekananda’s translation of Yajnavalkya’s reply:
“This to be heard, reasoned about and meditated upon. O my Maitreyi, when that Self has been seen, when that Self has been realized, then all this becomes known...As to all water, the goal is the ocean, as a morsel of salt put into the sea water melts away and we cannot take it back, even so, Maitreyi, is this Universal Being eternally infinite...The whole universe rises in Him and goes back to Him.

This is the ultimate statement of Advaita philosophy, of monism, its ‘crest jewel’ or ‘chuda mani.’ Everything that is, is God. Nothing exists apart from Him. We live and move and have our being in Him. The moment we understand and live this truth, mortal becomes immortal and we are free.

Yajnavalkya leaves his home and nothing more is heard of Maitreyi. The last words have been uttered and understood. For every sincere seeker, this is the path to freedom.

Pic: Gajendranath Tagore

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Do Atheists have a leg to stand on? The Problem of Evil

The ‘big argument’ as far as atheism is concerned is how an all powerful and compassionate God can allow evil to exist. If you think of God in the traditional way as a being invested with an infinite number of blessed qualities then the problem of evil remains unsolved.  Advaita Vedanta conceives of the Self, One soul which contains everything – good, bad and indifferent.  Both good and evil have their source in God. The attempt of the seeker is to go beyond both.  Please share your views on atheism. Do their arguments make sense? Have you encountered proofs of the existence of God in your own life? Also, is it possible to be ‘good without God’?

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Monday, 11 August 2014

Do Atheists have a leg to stand on:Remember me Brahman, as the ‘awakened’

The Buddha goes on to explain: “Brahman, the asavas (negative mental states) by which – if they were not abandoned – I would go to  a deva state, or become a gandhabba in the sky, or go to a yakkha- state; Those have been destroyed by me, ruined, their stems removed. Like a blue Lotus, rising up, un smeared by water, un smeared am I by the world, and so, remember me, Brahman, as the awakened.”

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Ref: Dona Sutta, Translated from the Pali by Thanissara Bhikkhu, 2005
Walsh, Maurice; “ Aggannasutta on knowledge of Beginnings, Wisdom Publications, p.409

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Do Atheists have a leg to sand on: Was the Buddha an atheist?

There is a famous conversation between the Buddha and a Brahmin, Dona who wants to know if the Buddha is a divine being or not. Dona, on seeing the Buddha, went to him and said: “Master, are you a deva?’/
“No, Brahman, I am not a deva.” /”Are you a gandhabba (a kind of low grade God, a celestial musician),”/
“No”/ ”A yakkha?” (A kind of Protector God)
“No”  ”…A human being?”
“No, Brahman, I am not a human being.”
“Then what sort of being are you?”
”Remember me, Brahman as “awakened.” The Buddha rejects all mental states by which he could be considered a deva, a yakkha, a manushya. He is simply a being who is awake!

(Artist: Amitabh Dhiman, Art, Artists, Artwork,

Bodhipaksa, wildmind,

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Do Atheists have a leg to stand on? Why don’t the super- naturalists win the lottery every week?

 Richard Dawkins, justly called the Arch Bishop of Atheism, said:” It’s been suggested that if the super-naturalists really had the powers they claim, they’d win the lottery every week. I prefer to point out that they could also win a Nobel Prize for discovering fundamental physical forces hitherto unknown to science. Either way, why are they wasting their talents doing party tunes?” With all due respect, that’s a rather infantile understanding of religion. Most arguments against the existence of God target myths and legends which surround a prophet: For example:  In the light of modern biology, we know that a virgin birth is impossible and the body decomposes after death. So how can there be a resurrection or reincarnation? Clearly, an afterlife is a fantasy, so are heaven and hell. Evolution has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the world was not created in seven days, it evolved over eons so on. In short the entire atheist argument is focused on the myths associated with religion, not its teachings, ideas and ideals. No atheist will accept that there are states of consciousness that only a small number of diligent seekers with pure minds attain. The two key themes of the Bible – ‘agape, ‘(compassion) and sacrifice of which the crucifixion is a symbol fall by the wayside.  So far as I know, no atheist has talked about concepts such as ‘Satchitananda’ which are the soul of Vedanta. 

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Dawkins, Richard; ‘The Appetite for Wonder,’ BBC 1, November 12, 1996 (Richard Dimbleby lecture

Friday, 8 August 2014

Do Atheists have a leg to stand on? Don’t throw Christ in my face!

The French existentialist writer Albert Camus famously took a Catholic intellectual, Francois Mauriac to task for ‘throwing Christ in my face.’ Camus belonged to a post Darwinian generation suffering from ‘existential angst –‘i.e. a world sans hope, God, heaven, certainty, justice or even reason. In Camus’ novel, ‘The Plague, ‘the character Tarrou says to Dr. Rieux”…each of us has the plague within him; no one, no one on earth is free from it. What is natural is the microbe. All the rest…health, integrity, purity (if you like)…is a product of the human will”(p.229) Camus’ answer to this dilemma? Love.  “…a loveless world is a dead world, and always there comes an hour when one craves for a loved face, the warmth – and wonder of a loving heart.” (p.237) Camus’ atheism is free from the missionary zeal of many modern atheists. Speaking at the Dominican Monastery in Paris, he said : “I shall not try to change anything that I think or anything that you think…the world needs real dialogue …between people who remain what they are…This is tantamount to saying that the world of today needs Christians who remain Christians.’


Camus, Albert; ‘The Plague’

Do Atheists have a leg to stand on? “God is dead, I teach you the superman”

I can’t possibly talk about atheism without touching on Nietzsche’s dramatic declaration of the death of God.   In ‘Thus Spake Zarathustra,’ Nietzsche puts a new age prophet in God’s shoes. Zarathustra comes down from his lonely mountain to save a Godless world. He tells a dying acrobat that he doesn’t need to fear retribution for his mistakes. “The soul will die even before the body.”   In the light of scientific knowledge, a belief in an afterlife, either as resurrection from the dead or as reincarnation has become difficult.  So, is death ‘the end,’ the final curtain? Alas! Nietzsche contradicts himself! Whatever is happening now has happened before and will be repeated from eternity to eternity! The acrobat will die again and Zarathustra will come to comfort him.  The bottom line is that even atheists find total annihilation hard or impossible to accept. All of us long for immortality in one way or another.  If you believe that God is dead, hail Zarathustra or whoever else takes your fancy.

Ref: Friedrich Nietzsche; Thus Spake Zarathustra

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Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Do atheists have a leg to stand on?

There have been any number of discussions on this site about how scientific and rational atheism is. Consciousness requires a brain and this is something that we believers leave on the doorsteps of churches and temples … In fact atheism is supposedly the only creed for the educated, aware, sensitive, thinking individual.  That’s not all.  Religious fanatics (That’s God fearing people like us) are responsible for almost all the crime and ugliness in the world. Most, if not all the evil in the world has its source in religion. So if you’re dreaming of utopia, walk away from God and spirituality.  What we need to do to save our souls and mend our lives is to join ‘a non- Prophet’ organization like an atheist group. I don’t know about you, but I think it’s time for a real look at the rationale of atheism. Is there any logic or truth in it?

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Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Swami Vivekananda on Reincarnation:Is reincarnation a myth?

Are Swami Vivekananda’s views consistent with science? Do they explain our life experience in a more complete and satisfying way? Please share your views and wisdom. Thanks.

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Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Swami Vivekananda on Reincarnation: The personal and collective unconscious

Swami Vivekananda’s remarks contain the idea of the personal and collective unconscious and point out the greatest flaw in Carl Jung’s argument: It’s possible for us to access the collective unconscious only because of our previous life experiences. Jung’s theories of the personal and collective unconscious can stand their ground only if they are supported by the idea of reincarnation and the Advaitic idea of a single, universal Self.

Artist: Swami Tadatmananda,

Swami Vivekananda on Reincarnation:How can we inherit the entire experience of living creatures without reincarnation?

Swami Vivekananda continues; ‘If in the bioplasmic cell the infinite amount of impressions from all time has entered, where and how is it?  …This impression is in the mind, that the mind comes to take its birth and rebirth, and uses the material which is most proper for it, and that mind which has made itself fit for only a particular kind of body will have to wait until it gets that material…The theory then comes to this, that there is hereditary transmission so far as furnishing the material to the soul is concerned. But the soul migrates and manufactures body after body, and each thought we think, and each deed we do, is stored in it in fine forms, ready to spring up again and take a new shape…When I die the resultant force of them will be upon me.’ (2.222-3)

Artist: Swami Tadatmananda,

Monday, 5 May 2014

Swami Vivekananda on Reincarnation:The problem with heredity

‘The simple hereditary theory takes for granted the most astonishing proposition without any proof, that mental experience can be recorded in matter, that mental experience can be involved in matter. When I look at you, in the lake of my mind there is a wave. That wave subsides, but it remains in fine form, as an impression. We understand a physical impression remaining in the body. But what proof is there for assuming that the mental impression can remain in the body since the body goes to pieces? (2.222)

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Sunday, 4 May 2014

Swami Vivekananda on Reincarnation:The fallacy of not thinking an idea through to its logical conclusion

‘If we are going to exist in eternity hereafter, it must be that we have existed through eternity in the past.’ (2.218) Speaking about avatars or perfect human beings like Buddha or Christ, Swami Vivekananda considers them to be men who have gone through the entire history of the human race in a single life span and achieved perfection. (2.209) He considers Sri Ramakrishna to be a supreme example of such perfection.

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Saturday, 3 May 2014

Swami vivekananda on reincarnation:‘Preservation of Learning’ is inherent in the process of reincarnation

Swami Vivekananda ridicules the idea that human beings have come out of zero, starting life with a tabula rasa, and then attain to great knowledge or eternal life. ‘Neither you, nor I nor anyone present, has come out of zero, nor will go back to zero.’ (2.217) The idea of cumulative knowledge supports child prodigies and genius. It explains why we have an aptitude for certain tasks or professions.

(Pic shared courtesy:, Ramakrishna Mission)

Friday, 2 May 2014

Swami Vivekananda on Reincarnation:Knowledge comes from direct experience…

…If not in this life, then in some previous birth: ‘Without a fund of already existing experience, any new experience would be impossible, for there would be nothing to which to refer the new impression…Knowledge can only be got in one way, the way of experience; there is no other way to know. If we have not experienced it in this life, we must have experienced it in other lives…What we call instinct in men or animals must…be involved, degenerated, voluntary actions, and voluntary actions are impossible without experience. (2.220-1)

Artist: Swmi Tadatmananda,

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Swami Vivekananda on Reincarnation:Everything in this universe is indestructible

Swami Vivekananda has given a rational basis to the idea of reincarnation: Everything in this universe is indestructible… ‘You cannot take away one atom of matter or one foot pound of force. You cannot add to the universe one atom of matter or one foot pound of force.’ (2.229)
If everything in the universe is indestructible, it follows that man is immortal. How can that be? Everyone dies! Death and disintegration are the fate of the body, not the soul. How do we live and transform ourselves after the body has died? We take on multiple bodies until we attain freedom or moksha. Does the Law of Conservation of Energy apply to consciousness? Open question.

Artist: Swami Tadatmananda,

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Science and Reincarnation:The purpose of (our) existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being

 Carl Jung once said that at the ripe old age of eleven, he ‘stepped out of a mist (consciousness) and saw the difference between ‘himself’ and the things around him.   The psyche, unlike our bodies, is not confined to time and space. Jung says none of us really think that death is going to be the end for us! Life behaves as if it’s going to carry on for centuries – and this is true! When we look back, we’re petrified with fear, when we look forward, a great adventure awaits us. Says Jung: ‘Man doesn’t accept nullification…man cannot stand nothingness, meaninglessness….We are not of today, but we are of yesterday, we are of an immense age… (there is)                                                                                                           a psychical existence beyond                                                                                                                   death.’

Artist: Nadia Taghavi
 Pic re shared courtesy permission by: Art & Painting,

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Science and Reincarnation: The curious case of Robert Mayer

 The idea of conservation of energy was first enunciated by Robert Mayer.   He was a physician with a degree in medicine, not a physicist. Strangely enough, he formulated the first version of the 1st law of thermodynamics, 1842:  Energy can be neither created nor destroyed.  Carl Jung found it odd that Mayer came up with an idea that caused a paradigm shift in Physics. Was the discovery sheer intuition or inspiration? Jung explains it as Mayer tapping into the resources of the collective unconscious.
There must be millions of ‘dormant images’ in the collective unconscious. Why did Mayer pick on the law of conservation of energy for which he had very limited scientific training? Besides, why did such an important idea come to Mayer and not to scientists who were working in that field? Could we say that Mayer’s previous life experiences prepared him for the discovery?

Carl Jung; ‘Essays on Analytical Psychology’

Artist:  Tang Chiew Ling, pic re shared courtesy: Art  & Painting,

Monday, 7 April 2014

Science and Reincarnation: Consciousness is interchangeable but indestructible

Adopting Einstein’s formula E=mc2  that describes the interchangeable, but indestructible nature of matter and energy, one could illustrate the interchangeable, indestructible nature of consciousness with a formula :
Mind = Lifetimes X.
 Reincarnation may be the process through which the universe provides for the preservation of learning when organisms…transition during the ‘quantum leap’ from one physical state to another.’

Artist: Nino Chakvetadze

 Pic re shared courtesy: Art & Painting,                                                                                              

Science and Reincarnation: The Law of Conservation of Consiousness

 In his fascinating book, ‘The Soul Genome: Science and Reincarnatio,’ Paul Von Ward introduces the concept of a ‘ a psychoplasm’ that coheres, maintains, and carries forward more than just patterns contained in the 10% of our DNA known as genome.’ Von Ward offers a scientific explanation for the ‘psychoplasm’ based on Einstein’s law of conservation of energy:
‘Let’s assume the three-faceted view of the universe’s basic structure (matter, energy and consciousness) is correct and that all three can only be changed in form, but not destroyed. In that case, there must be a consciousness analogous to the law of conservation of energy…Reincarnation may be the manifestation of the law of conservation of consciousness.’

Paul Von Ward; ‘the Soul Genome: Science and Reincarnation

Artist: Nino Chakvetadze,

 Pic re shared courtesy: ‘Art & Painting’,

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Science and Reincarnation: A heartbroken husband goes looking for his dead wife

In 1959, Biya’s husband and sons paid a surprise visit to Swarnalata’s home in Chatarpur. Swarnalata immediately recognized them and went around identifying them correctly though they tried to mislead her. She reminded Mr Pandey (Biya’ husband) of the Rs. 1,200/- he had flicked from her secret box. This was an incident no one except the two them knew. She mentioned gold fillings in Biya’s front teeth… over 50 proofs of the past identity were verified and found to be correct.

Artist: Nino Chakvetadze
 Pic re shared courtesy Art & Painting,

Science and Reincarnation: Sweet Swarnalata, age three, recognizes her 'home'

...and remembers her husband and two sons from a past life!
In 1951, Swarnalata Mishra, a three year old child passing through a town called Katni which was a hundred miles from her home, suddenly asked the driver to turn to ‘the road to my home.’  She added that they’d get a nice cup of tea there!  Prof Banerjee, a colleague of Dr. Stevenson heard of Swarnalata when she was ten years old. She gave enough information to Dr. Stevenson so that they could locate the house and family of the deceased person she claimed to be. She gave an account of how ‘Biya’ (her former name) had died of a pain in her throat in 1939. She described a white house with black doors fitted with iron bars – a railway yard in front, her school behind the house. She spoke of a husband; two sons and other relatives. These facts were verified and found to be accurate. She recognized members of her past life family correctly though they tried to mislead her.  The two families had never heard of each other until Swarnalata spoke of her life as Biya.

Ian Stevenson: ’Twenty Cases suggestive of Reincarnation’
Artist: Nino Chakvetadze
Pic re shared courtesy: Art & Painting,

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Science and Reincarnation: We don't have a God who makes a watch and lets it tick

We have a ‘Self maker’ God who experiments and evolves. We evolve with Him.

 Dr Ian Stevenson is considered an authority on paranormal research. He was a psychiatrist with a medical degree from McGill University in Canada. He did not accept past life regression through hypnosis as a valid proof of reincarnation. Instead, he used the method of ‘spontaneous recall.’ Dr Stevenson studied over 3,000 children between the ages of three and five from various countries including India. These children were old enough to remember a past life but too young to make up stories. Great care was taken to discard any cases of hearsay or of children repeating stories heard from adults. The child’s account of a past life was meticulously recorded; the past identity and the facts surrounding it were verified thoroughly. Birthmarks were checked. If the death had been violent or accidental, scars left by wounds were tested. Only those cases where enough physical evidence was available were used.

         Artist: Nino Chakvetadze,
         Pic re shared courtesy: Art & Painting,

Science and Reincarnation: 'I don't believe, I know' - Carl Jung

Is reincarnation just a belief of religions like Hinduism and Buddhism? Is there anything in it that is verifiable?  Is there any scientific research to back it up?
 The ideas and research of scientists and thinkers like Carl Jung, Ian Stevenson and Paul Von Ward are worth studying. Carl Jung said once: ‘I don’t believe, I know.’ It’s a matter of hard data that has been tested and verified until it assumes the status of fact.

Artist: Nino Chakvetadze
 Pic re shared courtesy: Art & Painting,

Friday, 4 April 2014

Science and Reincarnation: Is there any scientific basis to reincarnation?

 Do you agree with any of the views cited? Or is the research used suspect and unreliable?  Let us set religious beliefs aside for a moment.  Is there any rational, secular proof of reincarnation? How do you rate Stevenson’s work? Does Von Ward’s soul genome make any sense?  Is Jung’s idea of a psyche that outlives our bodies mere fantasy? I hope sincerely you will on  and share your views and ideas.

Artist: Marc Chagall
Pic re share courtesy:"'I Require Art',