Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Sri Sarada Devi:“Surely you are the most wonderful thing of God- Sri Ramakrishna’s own chalice of His love for the world”

Swami Vivekananda had blessed Sister Nivedita with sanyas before she came to India. He wanted to set up a Math for women with Sri Sarada Devi as the nucleus. Unfortunately, at that time, Indian women lived very subservient and constricted lives. Very few were educated. Added to that was the ban on mixing with ‘mlechas’ or foreigners. People were afraid of ‘losing caste’ if they socialized with foreigners. Swamiji brought Sister Nivedita and other women disciples to India to help in setting up schools etc for women and starting institutions that would grow into monasteries for women. He could not accomplish his dream without Sri Ma’s support. Such was the orthodoxy of the time that unless she gave her approval and accepted the Swami’s western disciples they would be virtual outcasts in Hindu society. But his fears were unfounded. Sri Ma opened her arms and took them all in a great mother embrace. To quote Sr. Nivedita: “All the spiritual verities which India has dreamt of and realized for thousands of years in a piecemeal way, have been fulfilled in the one life of the Holy Mother…With Sri Ramakrishna, a power has arisen which will, like a tidal bore, carry the whole of humanity towards the door of liberation and the name of that power is Ramakrishna-Sarada. (Pp.202-203,
Ref: Sri Sarada Devi: The Great Wonder, by Apostles, Monks, Savants, Scholars, Devotees

Heading: Sr. Nivedita, letter to Sri Ma, p. 484)

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