Saturday, 22 March 2014

The mystery of and light after death

 Catherine spoke of a recollection of the life that had just been lived in the period after death…  She then entered a small, warm place (the womb).

So what do you think of reincarnation? Is it just hocus pocus or is there some truth in it? Does it have a scientific or at least a rational explanation? Is it psychic or emotional truth? Is it just one more wish fulfillment fantasy? Thomas Kuhn held that scientific theories rarely explain all facts. Anomalies exist. When the number of anomalies becomes unacceptable, new theories emerge which explain all or most of the facts better. For example, Newton’s theory of light was replaced by the wave theory of Young and Fresnel. So, does reincarnation explain the human psyche better than conventional science?

Artist: Nanees Sami,

Friday, 21 March 2014

The mystery of Reincarnation: Lessons to be learnt


Charity, faith, forgiveness, hope, love, and yes, that great teaching of the Gita, working without hope of return! We worry so much about our sins of omission and commission. Are they critical? Apparently not. Our flaws and faults are not important, love is.  As we internalize these lessons, we go to higher levels of consciousness. In each life we face problems. When we become strong enough to deal with them, we don’t have them anymore!

 It’s important to be in sync not only with people who have the same vibrations that we do but also to those who threaten us, who have the ‘wrong’ vibrations. There is not one God but many, for God is in all of us.

Artist: Nino Chakvetadze

Thursday, 20 March 2014

The mystery of Reincarnation: Meeting with Masters

In the ‘in between’ state that linked death to a new life

, she met master spirits who had guided her through life, death, and after life.  The ‘Masters’ were disembodied souls who spoke to Dr. Weiss through Catherine. Apparently he had been her teacher in previous lives and a positive influence.  There’s not just life after death but also light after death – the light of the unerring guidance of the Masters.  Further, we choose the time of our birth and when our work is done, we accept death. We choose our parents.   The message  of the Masters seemed to be that what mattered was not the number of years lived but the lessons learned and the debts paid – that is, if our actions had harmed another human being, that imbalance had to be corrected. ‘Our task is to learn, to become God like through knowledge. ..By knowledge we approach God and then we can rest.  Then we come back to teach others. ‘

Artist: Nino Chakvetadze

The mystery of Reincarnation: Near Death Experiences (NDEs)

 There’s a lot of literature on near death experiences (NDEs). Dr. Weiss has recorded Catherine’s experiences of death: A transition from pain and fear in the moments before death to a feeling of calm.  A conscious part of her ‘self’ left the body and floated above reaching the clouds. She saw a powerful healing, energizing light which radiated love and had many colors.  She  then waited for someone to come and help her.  The soul seemed to pass on – if ‘to a just opened door.’ She then met with ‘Masters’ during an ‘in between’ state – i.e. the period between death and   rebirth.   After death, there was a recollection of the life that had just been lived.   

Pic re shared courtesy:

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

The mystery of Reincarnation: The trauma that lies beneath the conscious mind

 In one life she had been interred in a cave and been left to die because she had plague. This was a link to her fear of closed spaces. Catherine spoke about a life in which she was a boy, a sailor. There was a big storm. A fighter had caught the boy from behind and slit his throat. He was terrified. Thus the fear of drowning, closed spaces and choking led back to events in ‘other’ lives. In each case, Catherine gave very specific information about the topography, customs etc of the time and place. She had knowledge and skills she knew nothing about in her current lifetime.  Dr. Weiss instructed Catherine to remember these events when she woke from hypnosis. He was shocked to see that there was a radical improvement in Catherine’s condition without drug intervention. By the time the therapy ended, she was completely cured.

Pic re shared courtesy:  Henrik Uldalen

Monday, 17 March 2014

The mystery of Reincarnation: Remembrance of things past

What emerged stunned him.  The trail of Catherine’s fears and neuroses led to a young blonde girl of eighteen called Aronda. The year was 1863 B.C! She spoke of a daughter who was her niece in her current lifetime.  Dr. Weiss, completely skeptical and fumbling for some shred of reason, progressed her to her death.  He figured that even fantasies could be traumatic and if they contained the key to her problems, he would use therapy to deal with them. She spoke of dying in a terrible flood trying to save her child. This explained her fear of water. Catherine remembered many highly stressful and traumatic events from other life times.  She spoke of 87 prior births!

Pic re shared courtesy: Reem Yassouf (Artist)/

Sunday, 16 March 2014

The mystery of Reincarnation: Many lives, many Masters

Dr Weiss was a mainstream North American psychiatrist with a medical degree from Yale. Then, out of the blue, a twenty seven year old woman called Catherine walked into his clinic and changed his life.  She was suffering from claustrophobia, severe anxiety, and sleeplessness. She was so terrified of choking that she could not swallow pills. She was afraid of flying. For eighteen months Dr. Weiss used psychotherapy to treat her. There was no improvement. Finally, he tried hypnosis in the hope of uncovering severely repressed childhood trauma. Catherine related a terrible event that took her back to age three – when her drunken father had abused her. This was the breakthrough Dr. Weiss had been waiting for. He was confident her condition would improve. Strangely enough Catherine’s symptoms persisted.

Artist: HenrikUldalen

The Mystery of Reincarnation: Have we lived before?

Have we lived before? Will we live again? Is death ‘The End’ or is there life after death? There have been movies, novels, haunting songs and poems and the Lord knows what else on this theme. There are references to reincarnation in parapsychology, philosophy and religion.  In terms of scientific research, there’s very little to go on.  I’m sure you have your own unique and very individual viewpoint. I hope we can exchange ideas and see what comes up. In this blog I’m presenting the views expressed in a famous book by Dr. Weiss: Many Lives, many Masters .The jury is still out on how valid his reports are. I hope to do another blog from a different perspective soon. 

Artist: Reem Yassouf/